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Dow's Tawny Port

Dow's Tawny Port

Regular price $17.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $17.99 USD
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Dow's Tawny offers a great entry level Port for the shopper looking for value. It has bright citrus, caramel and almond flavors and the drier finish characteristic of Dow's Ports. Serving and pairing suggestions Dow's Tawny is bottled ready to drink after an average of three years of cask aging. It has a t-cap closure, which means that you don't need a corkscrew to open it and that it will stay fresh for four to six months if stored in a cool, dark place or refrigerator. Serve it in a glass with at least a six ounce capacity so that you may appreciate the wine's aromas. Dow's Tawny is delicious with soft ripened cheeses, flan or fruit tarts. In warmer months, try it chilled for a refreshing dessert in a glass.

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